# Workflow

Why exactly would you want to move from a Mac to an iPad for Final Cut Pro?

This page offers some workflow ideas and suggestions.

# Dailies

Final Cut Pro for iPad is perfect for reviewing and doing selects on dailies for all levels of projects, from short films to Hollywood Feature Films.

When working in the advertising world, and especially in the corporate advertising world, a lot of agency staff don't have Mac laptops, but own an iPad.

Whilst it's possible to use something like Frame.io Camera to Cloud to share proxies straight from camera to your iPad, because of the way it works, the audio channels might be incorrect, which makes relinking a challenge on the Mac end.

The best option is to get an assistant editor to sync (using something like Sync-N-Link), and organise everything on the Mac.

Once everything is ready to go on the Mac, you can use Transfer Toolbox to convert your Final Cut Pro for Mac library into a self-contained Final Cut Pro for iPad project.

You can then send the project to clients/agency/director/mother via email, AirDrop, PostLab, iCloud Drive, Dropbox, Digital Pigeon, Frame.io, etc.

They can do their selects on the iPad, and once done, then the project back (without media), where the assistant can then open up on Final Cut Pro 10.7 and consolidate with the master library.

Because of it's touch interface and Apple Pencil support, the iPad is the perfect rushes review platform - as it's fast and fun.

Directors can also experiment with edits on Final Cut Pro for iPad - and everything will transfer perfectly back to the Mac.